User-Centric Thinking in Data Science: Conversation with Anna Wu at Google Cloud (Part 2 of 3)

Stephen Paff
1 min readFeb 14, 2023

In this second part of my interview with Anna Wu, she describes the interconnections between data science and qualitative UX research.

You can listen to it here:

Here is the first interview if you would like to start from scratch, and here is more information about Interview Series that this is a part of.

Anna Wu, established leader in building and leading high-performing data teams to drive changes impacting hundreds of millions of users. Currently as a research manager at Google, she leads a team of quantitative UX researchers applying UX methods and large scale analytics to inform Cloud product development.

Before this recent chapter, Anna had 10+ years practicing UX and data science at top IT companies and research labs as a UX researcher, data scientist, research scientist at Microsoft, IBM Research and Palo Alto Research Center. She got her PhD in HCI from Penn State and master/bachelor degrees from Tsinghua University.

Originally published at on February 14, 2023.



Stephen Paff

I am a data scientist and ethnographer passionate about integrating of these two fields in professional settings. For more details, see