Response-ability Conference Talk

Stephen Paff
2 min readJun 16, 2021

On May 21st, Astrid Countee and I presented at the 2021 Response-ability Conference. We discussed strategies for leveraging data science and anthropology in the tech sector to help address societal issues. The Response-ability’s overall goal was to explore how anthropologists and software specialists in the tech sector to understand and tackle social issues.

Here is an abstract for Astrid’s and my talk:

Title: Data Scientist Anthropologists as an Example of How to Be an Anthropologist in the Tech World

Abstract: As both an anthropologists and data scientists, we will examine strategies for leveraging both in the tech sector to help address pressing complex societal issues. We will discuss our experiences merging anthropology, data science, and other forms of technological thinking over the last several years in fields as diverse as healthcare, climate policies, and finance as a backdrop to reflect on what it means to be an anthropologist and technologists in the contemporary world. In light of the complex and urgent crisis that have erupted around the world over the last year, we want to connect anthropological insights, data science skills, and the ability to connect them with necessary social, economic, political and climate change initiatives and interventions.

In the coming months, Response-ability plans to publish our presentation, so if you are interested in watching it, please stay tuned until then. When they make the videos accessible, they should post them here:

I appreciated the whole experience. Thank you to everyone who helped make the conference happen, and Astrid for doing this talk with me.

Originally published at on June 16, 2021.



Stephen Paff

I am a data scientist and ethnographer passionate about integrating of these two fields in professional settings. For more details, see