Applying Computational Ethnography and Statistics to Vapor Wave: Interview with Tanner Greene (Part 2 of 2)

Stephen Paff
1 min readDec 14, 2023

Here is the second part of three in my conversation with Tanner Greene. He discusses his strategies for transitioning from graduate school to UX research and his recommendations for any fellow student seeking to do the same.

You can listen to it here:

Tanner Greene is a UX Researcher and Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Virginia, where he’s finishing a dissertation on the history of vaporwave, a music genre created on social media platforms. Tanner’s interests straddle math and the humanities, spanning digital cultures, user metadata, and a long-dormant statistics ability he wants to revive. In his spare time, Tanner enjoys writing about music, playing video games, and dreaming about learning SQL.

Resources We Referenced:

For more context on my interview series in general, click here.



Stephen Paff

I am a data scientist and ethnographer passionate about integrating of these two fields in professional settings. For more details, see